Adult/Chaperone Agenda

8:00 - 8:40 am Registration and Breakfast
8:40 - 9:00am Introduction and Welcome with Emcee Debrena Jackson Gandy
9:00 - 9:50am Keynote Address: Dr. Caprice Hollins You Are… Brilliant, Gorgeous, Talented and Fabulous!

As women of color we are constantly bombarded with negative messages.  Society tells us we are aggressive when we are assertive, lazy when we are hardworking, that we are angry when we speak up, that we are acting white when we are brilliant, that we are not enough of one thing and too much of another.  These messages and many more become internalized in our unconscious minds creating self-doubt and fears that can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy if we aren’t intentional about countering the messages, taking risks and stepping into who we are meant to be.  Because the truth is you are powerful beyond measure.  During this keynote, Dr. Hollins will share lessons she learned along the way in transforming herself from a shy little girl who had the disease to please to a woman who earned her doctorate degree in psychology, owning a successful business, and becoming an author.

10:00am - 11:30am Workshop: Yoshiko Harden Caught Between the Rock of Racism and the Hard Place of Sexism: Creating Equitable and Inclusive Spaces for Women of Color

Step outside your comfort zone. Take baby steps each day toward the life of your dreams. Believe in the truth that anything is truly possible - because it IS! Discover the wisdom within. Be prepared for life's curveballs and remember to duck. Remember that you are not your past or your mistakes. Release the mistakes of the past and carry forward only the lessons they contain. You have the power to rewrite your story at any time.  Come and be empowered by my personal story about how I have overcome my past mistakes and now I have the inner strength to encourage other women to realize that they are warriors and can conquer anything that hinders them from being a success story.

11:40am - 12:50pm What’s Learned Here Leaves Here Amelia Phillips, Lori Hunt and Kamrica Ary-Turner

Presenters will share with Teachers, Administrators, and Adults the workshop information that was presented to the young ladies in their sessions. Teachers will hear feedback that the presenters received from the ladies who participated in their sessions. In addition, presenters will provide teachers and administrators with the strategies that given to the young ladies that would help overcome obstacles they endure as a young lady of color. Teachers should leave session with the opportunity to ask questions and leave with strategies to engage our young women of color in a school and social settings.

1:00pm - 1:50pm Lunch
2:00 - 3:15pm Beauty Salon TalkOpen dialogue led by Rashad Norris

The purpose of the session is to look at the structural problems underlying the achievement gap that exist between young ladies of color and their white counterparts in the k-12 and higher education. The session will also examine the experiences of our young ladies of color in social media, education, and television and the affects it has on their relationships and self-identity/awareness. Teachers will gain strategies on how to engage with our young women of color in our surrounding communities. Open dialogue and active participation is required.

3:25 - 4:00pm Student Panel
4:00 - 4:30pm Closing